Our Mission is to Unite, Equip and Mobilize the Body of
Jesus Christ.
We seek to partner with, support and strengthen, local churches to live out and realize their Biblical purpose and mission within their community.
Ephesians 4:16 NLT – “Under God’s direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”
- To unite in Christ the leadership of the body of Christ.
- To honor, love, and respect the whole body of Christ.
- To connect the diversity of the body of Christ.
- To encourage interdependence within local churches & ministries.
- To equip the body of Christ for God’s redemptive purposes.
- To mobilize and release God’s people to build His kingdom.
- To make Christ known through the priesthood of every believer.
- Save critical resources, reduce duplication and waste of money, people and other assets.
- Produce greater results in less time.
- Engage the whole range of spiritual gifts within the churches of a city.
- Consider ideas and dreams that going it alone would seem unthinkable.
- Empower believers to celebrate diversity while working together in unity.
- Bring credibility to God’s message as we demonstrate the power of restored relationships.
- Release the power of the Holy Spirit in ways rarely seen in our independence.
- Capitalize on complementary strengths.
- Expand ministry potential and community impact.
- Strengthen credibility.